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Here starts a collaboration in crafting your legacy. We’re not just managing; we're enhancing, enriching, elevating. Turning the everyday into something special, and something special into something lasting.

At Opulence, we believe life deserves more than standardized ‘premium’ experiences. You want to enrich your life’s equity through high-value relations and shared experiences. We support you behind the scenes.


but a partnership

For the discerning few who resonate with this philosophy, we offer not just a service, 

Endless possibility policy

We have a “yes, and’’ attitude. We don’t just make the things you dream happen, we dream with you. We anticipate and work proactively, so you can live your life at your pace.


A meticulously curated calendar

Life's moments, grand and intimate, deserve undivided attention. As part of our membership, we become the guardians of your year, seamlessly integrating personal and professional celebrations, holidays, events and more.



Experiences beyond the mundane

Through handpicked collaborations, we present opportunities that tantalize the senses. Think of journeys to exclusive global events or intimate gatherings set against the backdrop of world-class venues. Not to show off, but to experience.

Transparent & tailored budgeting


Your membership promises meticulous planning. With grace and clarity, we ensure that every penny spent resonates with value, quality, and relevance to your vision.

Cultivated collaborations

If you have a PA, we infuse their dedicated work plans with unmatched finesse. Our partnerships are selective, offering experiences that resonate with elegance – from private aviation journeys to opulent tours, we take care of it.


You just sit back and relax.

Here's how our service model works


  • Monthly Fixed Fee: This covers ongoing communication with you and managing your calendar. We plan ahead, looking at upcoming activities, celebrations, and travels for the next 12 months. Each activity, be it global travels, special dinners, family parties, or attending major events like the World Cup or Formula 1, is carefully planned with a unique theme and budget. 

  • Activity-Specific Billing: For each activity or event, there's an additional charge based on the hours dedicated to planning and organizing them.

Each connection is deliberate, each detail is personal, each moment is memorable. 

Want to work with us?




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